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This is my favorite time of year

Ok, so it's been a while since I blogged. But forgive me. Between my granddaughter, (who by the way will be two years old next month) and finishing A KISS TO BUILD ON and everything else including working on another book I've been swamped. Maybe I should say, life gets in the way; you

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I'm in a good place now

I'm in a new place now. A good place. The way I figure it, instead of waiting for someone to do things for me, I do it myself. You know that old saying; if you want something done right, do it yourself. Even though people think they know you, no one knows you better  Read More 
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Things are looking up

Things are looking up for me again. Sometimes all you have to do is hang in there and believe in yourself. No mater what others say, you have to trust yourself. I'm not going to say I never listen to anyone, but I very rarely do what others tell me to do especially if  Read More 
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